Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Zombie Information Network Episode 1: in this weeks episode we speak to self titled zombie hunter Mark Manning on the day to day tasks he has to undertake.

Monday, May 6, 2013

This weeks Zombie Kill of the Week goes to Sister Cynthia Knickerbocker 

Survival Tip No. 12; Safe Haven Part 2 – Where not to go

In an emergency we tend to all think alike. The trick is to not follow the crowd. What follows are a few of the big no nos in survival

Oh no a viral infection killing hundreds turning others into zombies to kill more people. Let's go to where all the people with the virus are going and shelter with them. Avoid hospitals like the plague because lets be fair thats where the plague usually starts from. Have you never watched any horror films?

Police stations
The police may be there to serve and protect. But what happens when a towns population floods the doors of the local station. Chaos is sure to follow. It's a buffet for any walking dead in the area.

Shopping Centers
It may have seemed a good idea in 'Dawn of the Dead' but we all know how that worked out for them in the end. Seriously? Who's idea was that anyway?

God may save your soul but the doors and windows won't save your skin.

Military Camps
Let's be honest, they aren't going to open the gates to every person who wanders along. Nothing like being trapped outside a fence with all those monsters slowly catching up behind you.

If the big guys in suits are telling you to go to one of the most heavily populated area around because that's where they say they can protect you think again. Nothing like walls of people cornering you into a maze of streets with who knows what lurking around the next corner

Survival Tip No. 11; Safe Haven Part 1 – What to look out for

The world has gone to shit, whether it be plague of flesh eating freaks, nuclear holocaust or an all out war, A key to surviving is knowing where to make your stand. There are a few factors to consider in choosing the ideal location.

  • Is there adequate supply sources nearby i.e. Water, food and shelter?
  • How public and what sort of population does the area have?
  • What are the natural defenses?
  • In a tight spot can you get out?
  • What are the potential risks of the area?
  • Where is the nearest place for a secondary safe house?

Ideally the area should have a low to no population. This eliminates a large amount of threats right down to passers by who may raid you for your resources. Having a renewable source of major resources is always useful as it saves the need to travel far for help or supplies. Areas with tight entrances with many natural obstacles will help slow oncoming attacks. Just be wary they will also slow any attempts to run away. Heights provide good look out points and can allow you to see threats with enough time to prepare for any possible attack. Later we will look at some areas to avoid.

Survival Tip No. 10; Weapons Part 3 – Further afield

Your home is now lost and you have to find your way to safety. Just remember to stay sharp and keep your defenses up. Weaponizing yourself will not be as easy from here but what follows is a basic guide on how to prepare for the worst.

Sticks and Stones

sticks and stones may break my bones but a good crack on the head should knock out any attacker. Basic but effective for close combat.

Cutting objects

Many items can be turned into a deadly weapon. Consider what you have to hand that can be sharpened. Be careful to make a handle or they could just as easily turn on you causing severe damage to your hands. Glass, scrap steal ceramics etc. Can all be found in junk piles or literally broken from sources you find along the way. Thick electrical tape is a basic but effective handle to protect you from cutting yourself.


If you ever find yourself lucky enough to come into contact with a firearm remember these very important rules;
  • firearms are not as basic and simple to use as they appear in the movies
  • they are loud and will attract a lot of attention
  • aiming is far more difficult than you'd think
  • ammo runs out faster than you'd think
  • they can very easily be turned against you if anyone else gets their hands on it
reserve firearm usage to the bare minimum and save for emergency situations.

Survival Tip No. 9; Transportation

When the time comes to run you need to be prepared. Knowing the best form of transport is essential. Following is the pros and cons of a few forms of transport.


Although being on foot gives you great flexibility it involves the use of a lot of energy, it can be slow and difficult to carry supplies on your body which will weigh you down. There is the risk of injury and tiredness to slow you further. Although it may be your only resort and recommended on short distance. If you need to go far you need to find an alternative.


Cars will carry a large amount of supplies, can move at fast speeds and cover a great distance without using any of your own energy.

At the same time cars generate a lot of noise which may attract unwanted attention. They also consume fuel which will rapidly run out in a crisis. Finally the last thing you want is to reach a road block of traffic or broken down cars. Cars have limited maneuverability in a lot of situations and may need to be abandoned in certain situations. 


A bicycle is probably the most highly recommended form of transportation. It does not require fuel, is light enough to carry over obstacles which may block your path, requires basic maintenance to keep and is quiet. Some of the cons are the minimal amount of items it can carry on it and may require some to be on your person as well. It also will use some of your own energy however not as much as purely walking on foot. 

Max Brooks World War Z Review

This catalogues the possible responses through every phase of a viral attack such as a zombie outbreak across a variety of social and governing systems worldwide. It analyses the strengths and weaknesses of all areas around the world and how they would react to a threat. Although the book is fictional there is a lot of truth's to the various outcomes which could be possible based on human social structures in place today. An enjoyable read while remaining factual and helpful.

A movie adaptation of the book is due in cinemas during the summer of 2013 although it looks to be quite different to the story and concept of the book.