Monday, May 6, 2013

Survival Tip No. 12; Safe Haven Part 2 – Where not to go

In an emergency we tend to all think alike. The trick is to not follow the crowd. What follows are a few of the big no nos in survival

Oh no a viral infection killing hundreds turning others into zombies to kill more people. Let's go to where all the people with the virus are going and shelter with them. Avoid hospitals like the plague because lets be fair thats where the plague usually starts from. Have you never watched any horror films?

Police stations
The police may be there to serve and protect. But what happens when a towns population floods the doors of the local station. Chaos is sure to follow. It's a buffet for any walking dead in the area.

Shopping Centers
It may have seemed a good idea in 'Dawn of the Dead' but we all know how that worked out for them in the end. Seriously? Who's idea was that anyway?

God may save your soul but the doors and windows won't save your skin.

Military Camps
Let's be honest, they aren't going to open the gates to every person who wanders along. Nothing like being trapped outside a fence with all those monsters slowly catching up behind you.

If the big guys in suits are telling you to go to one of the most heavily populated area around because that's where they say they can protect you think again. Nothing like walls of people cornering you into a maze of streets with who knows what lurking around the next corner

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