Monday, May 6, 2013

Survival Tip No. 11; Safe Haven Part 1 – What to look out for

The world has gone to shit, whether it be plague of flesh eating freaks, nuclear holocaust or an all out war, A key to surviving is knowing where to make your stand. There are a few factors to consider in choosing the ideal location.

  • Is there adequate supply sources nearby i.e. Water, food and shelter?
  • How public and what sort of population does the area have?
  • What are the natural defenses?
  • In a tight spot can you get out?
  • What are the potential risks of the area?
  • Where is the nearest place for a secondary safe house?

Ideally the area should have a low to no population. This eliminates a large amount of threats right down to passers by who may raid you for your resources. Having a renewable source of major resources is always useful as it saves the need to travel far for help or supplies. Areas with tight entrances with many natural obstacles will help slow oncoming attacks. Just be wary they will also slow any attempts to run away. Heights provide good look out points and can allow you to see threats with enough time to prepare for any possible attack. Later we will look at some areas to avoid.

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