Monday, May 6, 2013

Survival Tip No. 10; Weapons Part 3 – Further afield

Your home is now lost and you have to find your way to safety. Just remember to stay sharp and keep your defenses up. Weaponizing yourself will not be as easy from here but what follows is a basic guide on how to prepare for the worst.

Sticks and Stones

sticks and stones may break my bones but a good crack on the head should knock out any attacker. Basic but effective for close combat.

Cutting objects

Many items can be turned into a deadly weapon. Consider what you have to hand that can be sharpened. Be careful to make a handle or they could just as easily turn on you causing severe damage to your hands. Glass, scrap steal ceramics etc. Can all be found in junk piles or literally broken from sources you find along the way. Thick electrical tape is a basic but effective handle to protect you from cutting yourself.


If you ever find yourself lucky enough to come into contact with a firearm remember these very important rules;
  • firearms are not as basic and simple to use as they appear in the movies
  • they are loud and will attract a lot of attention
  • aiming is far more difficult than you'd think
  • ammo runs out faster than you'd think
  • they can very easily be turned against you if anyone else gets their hands on it
reserve firearm usage to the bare minimum and save for emergency situations.

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