Monday, May 6, 2013

Survival Tip No. 9; Transportation

When the time comes to run you need to be prepared. Knowing the best form of transport is essential. Following is the pros and cons of a few forms of transport.


Although being on foot gives you great flexibility it involves the use of a lot of energy, it can be slow and difficult to carry supplies on your body which will weigh you down. There is the risk of injury and tiredness to slow you further. Although it may be your only resort and recommended on short distance. If you need to go far you need to find an alternative.


Cars will carry a large amount of supplies, can move at fast speeds and cover a great distance without using any of your own energy.

At the same time cars generate a lot of noise which may attract unwanted attention. They also consume fuel which will rapidly run out in a crisis. Finally the last thing you want is to reach a road block of traffic or broken down cars. Cars have limited maneuverability in a lot of situations and may need to be abandoned in certain situations. 


A bicycle is probably the most highly recommended form of transportation. It does not require fuel, is light enough to carry over obstacles which may block your path, requires basic maintenance to keep and is quiet. Some of the cons are the minimal amount of items it can carry on it and may require some to be on your person as well. It also will use some of your own energy however not as much as purely walking on foot. 

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