Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Survival Tip No. 2; Food

Food is scarce in this new world. Here is a few suggested sources of nourishment which can be found in the wilderness. We shall shortly be offering advice on how to capture these food sources and where best to locate them

InsectsAnts, grubs, and grasshoppers can be eaten. A good way to get over our natural resistance to eating bugs is to toss them into a stew with other ingredients.

All freshwater fish in North America are edible. In a survival situation, fish can be caught using a sharpened stick as a fish spear. For small minnows, a t-shirt can be used as a fish net.

All birds are also edible. Game birds such as grouse and pheasants can be captured using snares or hunting implements such as a throwing stick, though it can be very difficult if you have not practiced these trapping/hunting. In the spring, bird eggs can provide an excellent survival food.

Small Mammals
Small mammals including squirrels and rabbits can also be captured with practice. Traps and snares are often most effective, though a throwing stick can used too.

Safe Eating

Stay Safe, Stay Alive and Stay Tuned

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